Friday, October 15, 2010

Google Me | Just Google Me

What About Me and Google

I was with Dr Turner today and when we finished working on his Linkedin profile. I started to think, dangerous I know! Linkedin is a great way to “network” in a business like way on Social Media. Or should it be Business Media? I digress. Linkedin growth has been phenomenal in the last year or so. I seem to remember a tweet from the company itself announcing a 60 million memebrship in February 2010 and still growing. Somebody in Holland I believe – spooky maybe that is why they won the World Cup…….Oops ……… Just kidding Spain.

There are numerous reasons social media sites grow and I don’t claim to know them all; I do believe that a large growth contributor is open access to developer API’s (Application Programming Interface’s).

Now Thats funny because Google Buzz released an API in May 2010 and is continuing with updates. So….. what could be the thinking here………

You guessed it Google ME – no not the movie by Jim Killeen. No I mean GoogleMe the POTENTIAL Facebook killer.

Add to that Google is making Youtube users to connect their account to their Googleaccount. Has Facebook has finally awoken the Giant?

Google Profile

Google Personal Profile

There is no way of knowing Google’s exact plans, if you listen to them they don’t seem to know either. Who knows what benefits there maybe in the long run. I; for one though; am ramping up my Google presence. If Googleme appears. you can bet that the implications will be big, and it might make all of Google’s social properties more beneficial to businesses. YouTube is one of the most popular sites in the world. Add that to everyone else with a Google account. So its “me and Google” for now..